
Name Nutrition Respiration Transport Excretion Locomotion Regulation
Protist (ameba,paramecium) Intracellular (vacuole) Algae are photosynthetic Diffusion across cell membrane Diffusion across cell membrane and cyclosis Diffusion across cell membrane and ammonia Pseudopods,cillia and flagellum Photo and Chemo reception
Coelenterate (hydra) Intracellular and Extracellular Diffusion across cell membrane Diffusion across cell membrane 100% in contact Diffusion across cell membrane and ammonia Sessile Nerve Net impulses move in many directions
Annelid (earthworm) Extracellular gizzard (physical) intestine (chemical) Diffusion across moist skin Closed system with aortic arches Diffusion across moist skin and nephridia for urea Setae with circular and longitudinal muscles Dorsal brain and ventral nerve cord
Arthropod (grasshopper) Extracellular gizzard (physical) intestine and gatric caeca (chemical) Tracheal tubes with spiracles Open system with sinuses C02 out spiracles and Malphigian tubules for uric acid exoskeleton with chitinous appendages Dorsal brain and ventral nerve cord compound eye and typanum
Vertebrate (human) Extracellular teeth (physical) (chemical) carbos mouth, protein stomach, lipds small intestine Alveoli for diffusion of gases Closed system with arteries, veins and capillaries and a 4 chambered heart Lungs for respiratory gases and kidney with nephrons for removal of urea Endoskeleton with voluntary muscle, tendons (MTB) and ligaments (BLB) Anterior brain (3 parts) and dorsal spinal cord homeostasis with nervous and endocrine systems